Sunday, July 20, 2008

Delicious cake and a webisode!

It was a lovely Sunday for our ensemble today. Amy came in to finish creating her piece on us. Her husband Jed (our company photographer/videographer/security) came with his cameras and took lots of pretty pictures of us.
The Dance Formerly Known As 'Whirlwind' is really beautiful. I love A's style of movement. Although, I did come to the odd realizaion that I remember her piece from one rehearsal to the next WAY better than I can remember my own dances.
She used some interesting choreographic devices as well as the "sticky note" method of arranging phrases (she can explain it better than I). It's a really interesting method of creating work; I'll have to keep it in mind the next time I get hit with choreographer's block.

Since today was essentially Amy's last rehearsal until Baby W arrives, we had to send her off with cake. And when there's CSDE, food, and post-rehearsal/post-performance merriment...we get goofy. And when we get goofy, the cameras come out.

This......this is not your typical behind-the-scenes documentary. Behold:
CSDE Webisode 2: Delicious Cake
CSDE welcomes new dancer Danielle; discusses Amy's piece, Danny's type-cast roles and costumes; and Baby W's first performance. While eating delicious cake.

Hee! Enjoy.